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JIRA 3.12 릴리스

JIRA 3.12 버전이 릴리스 되었습니다.

JIRA 3.12 버전은 앞으로 나오게 될 JIRA Studio 에 대한 여러 개선사항을 제공합니다.

금번 릴리스의 주요 추가 기능은 'trust' Confluence 입니다. 이 기능을 통해 Confluence 페이지내에서 더이상 사용자명과 암호를 하드코딩하지 않고도 JIRA의 이슈 내용을 아주 자연스럽게 Confluence 페이지내에 집어 넣으실 수 있습니다.
이 기능을 위해서는 Confluence 2.7 (이번달에 릴리스 예정)가 필요하신 점을 참고하십시요.

또한 새로운 전체 권한 인, 'JIRA 시스템 관리자' 권한이 추가되어 시스템의 파일시스템이나 네트워크 환경을 모두 관리하는 사람에게만 'JIRA 시스템 관리자' 권한을 부여하고 그 외의 JIRA의 여러 프로젝트를 관리하는 사람에게는 JIRA 관리자 권한을 부여할 수 있도록 되었습니다.
그러므로 이제 여러 사람에게 필요한 경우 프로젝트를 생성, 관리 하는 권한을 별도로 줄 수 있게 된 것입니다.

업그레이드는 2007 11월 30일 까지 라이센스 기간이 유효한 사용자는 모두 가능합니다. 자세한 정보 는 이곳을 참조하십시요.

JIRA 3.12 추가 기능:

JIRA 3.12 로 업그레이드

JIRA 3.12 버전은 JIRA 최신버전 다운로드 페이지에서 가능합니다. 업그레이드 전에, JIRA 3.12 업그레이드 가이드를 참조하시기 바랍니다.

JIRA 3.12 추가 기능

'Trusted' Confluence

Trust 관계를 통해 Confluence 페이지내에서 더이상 사용자명과 암호를 하드코딩하지 않고도 JIRA의 이슈 내용을 아주 자연스럽게 Confluence 페이지내에 집어 넣으실 수 있습니다.
이 기능을 위해서는 Confluence 2.7 (이번달에 릴리스 예정)가 필요하신 점을 참고하십시요.

The 'JIRA Issues' macro in Confluence will now display (to appropriate users) issues that have a Security Level set:


'JIRA 시스템 관리자' 권한

새로운 전체 권한이 추가되어 기존 관리자의 역할을 분담할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

  • 새로운 'JIRA 시스템 관리자' 권한은 기존의 모든 JIRA 관련 기능에 대한 관리기능을 수행할 수 있습니다. (예를 들면, data import/export, SMTP configuration, database connection).
  • 'JIRA 관리자' 권한을 가진 사용자는 이제 프로젝트와 관련된 대부분의 관리기능 (예를 들면. 새로운 JIRA 사용자 추가, 프로젝트 생성)을 수행할 수 있습니다. 반면 네트워크나 혹은 시스템 환경과 관련된 관리기능 (예를 들면, SMTP 설정, 데이터베이서 설정, Data Import Export 등)은 수행할 수 없습니다.

This will be useful for organisations which need to delegate JIRA-specific administration privileges to particular people, without granting them total system administration privileges.
Note that everyone who had the 'JIRA Administrators' global permission before the upgrade will automatically receive the new 'JIRA System Administrators' global permission during the upgrade. This will ensure that everyone can still perform the same functions they could previously.


FishEye 플러그인 JIRA 번들에 기본 탑제

The FishEye plugin automatically detects JIRA issue-keys in your code commit messages. Within your JIRA issues and projects, relevant commit messages will be displayed along with links to the FishEye changesets and files — and (optionally) Crucible code reviews.


Subversion 플러그인의 기능개선

Using the Subversion plugin (available separately), it is now possible to configure Subversion repositories from within JIRA. No longer do you need to muck around with .properties files and bounce JIRA every time you make a change! If you have existing SVN repositories configured in your properties file, the new SVN plugin will read that information and create identical settings for you.

Click to enlarge


'프로젝트 통계' 와 '검색필터 통계' 요약화면의 기능개선

The Project Statistics portlet and the Filter Statistic portlet now show the total number of issues that match the filter, e.g.:


작업흐름에 대한 새로운 post function: 'Assign to Current User'

With the new post function 'Assign to Current User', you can now automatically assign an issue to the logged-in user when the issue moves through a particular workflow transition.

This is useful if you need to assign an issue to the logged-in user under particular circumstances, but not give them full rights to assign issues. For example, on Atlassian's support system, when a support specialist clicks 'Start Investigating', the issue is automatically assigned to them — even if they don't have 'Assign Issues' permission.


검색 기능의 강화

The range of available languages for JIRA search indexes has been expanded. This means that even more people around the world can now choose to have JIRA index their issue data in their native language.

This provides more meaningful search results for end-users, because:

  • 'stop' words (i.e. words that are deliberately ignored by the JIRA search engine, such as 'the') are now recognised in more non-English languages (Brazilian, Chinese, Czech, Greek, French, Dutch, Thai).
  • 'stemming' (i.e. the derivation of related words, such as 'archived', from a stem such as 'archive) is now supported in French, Brazilian, German, French, Dutch, Russian and English. For example, if your index language is set to French:
    • a search for "marchera" will find "L'enfant a marché"; and
    • a search for "marché" will find "l'enfant marchera".

Visual SourceSafe 플러그인

The new VSS plugin displays Microsoft Visual SourceSafe commit information (along with the changed paths) related to JIRA issues, projects or project versions. This plugin is in beta and available for a separate download.


기타 100개 이상의 버그 수정과 개선사항

Atlassian JIRA (111 issues)
Key T Summary Pr Status
JRA-8457 Bug Cannot administer my own profile: "The user does not exist. Please try another" Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-9171 Bug A timed out session causes stacktraces in half-completed actions Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-10508 Bug Insecure "Remember my Login" cookie on https-sites Critical ResolvedResolved
JRA-10515 Bug Adding CSV field to a Mutli User Custom Field causes error Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-10546 Bug Moving a subtask doesn't inherit the security level of its new parent Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-10989 Bug WIKI renderer preview does not display correctly Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-11446 Bug AccessLogFilter logs everything twice Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-11767 Bug Allow code and noformat sections in Wiki text to scroll horizontally Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-12042 Bug Typo in an RPC API parameter name Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-12091 Bug Issue's parentId not set on subtask deletion event Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13090 Bug Multiple file upload fails when the sum of files size exceed the upload limit, even if each file is smaller than the limit. Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13188 Bug Trailing + characters are truncuated from URLS in the Description / Environment / Comment fields. Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13205 Bug Full content Word export from Issue navigator duplicates wiki style table Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13229 Bug controlfooter.jsp always closes the html tr tag even when the nolabel param is set Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13263 Bug IssueNotFoundException is thrown right out to the user if a workflow action is taken on a deleted issue Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13284 Bug Problem in printing project portlet: red section displayed as white. Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13315 Bug Non default permission types can cause Stack overflow if added to wrong permissions Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13400 Bug Remember me cookie issue with Glassfish; integrate latest Seraph into JIRA Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13430 Bug When invalid search term was entered in custom field, error message highlights Text Search Query: field. Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13465 Bug Right border does is missing on Add Portlet screen on Safari Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13473 Bug Double quotes allowed in transition name while editing a transition Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13509 Bug Special character in group name causes permalink do not function properly Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13516 Bug FieldLayoutSchemeImpl caching is not thread-safe Critical ResolvedResolved
JRA-13523 Bug Multi user custom field cannot be used with the assignable user permission Critical ResolvedResolved
JRA-13553 Bug Misleading permission violation message when attempting to edit a closed issue Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13554 Bug Make Version Workload Report styled like Time Tracking report (nicer) Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13558 Bug MailingListCompiler trying to send email with empty "To" Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13578 Bug Typo in Issue Navigator in Slovak language Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13581 Bug Replace hard-coded string in date pickers Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13592 Bug Setting transport to SMTPS in JNDI mail resource is broken Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13597 Bug Loading Event Listeners is not synchronized Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13598 Bug The EmoticonRendererComponent uses the incorrect IconManager Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13626 Bug Renderer component does not work with profiling enabled Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13635 Bug Calendar date picker can't be used with Hungarian locale Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13655 Bug The "attach" button in screenshot applet is not translated properly Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13673 Bug Admin portlet can show null date for license expirery Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13677 Bug The property field for JIRA's portlets and reports are not in order sequence Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13699 Bug Deleting a group does not check if there are any worklogs with the group restriction like it does for comments Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13703 Bug getFieldsForEdit does not included "Reporter" field, "Due Date" field and "FixVersion" field Critical ResolvedResolved
JRA-13712 Bug user value of JiraAuthenticationContext not set is SOAP service getIssue() Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13724 Bug Caledar popup doesn't work in several languages Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13742 Bug minor grammatical error in bulk move Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13744 Bug IssueLevelSecurity permission check does not work with a DocumentIssueImpl if no security level has been set. Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13750 Bug Help link in browse projects page references version management page in the documentation Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13766 Bug Deleting a version can leave gaps in the version sequence Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13794 Bug broken link on the 'Trackback Settings' screen Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13805 Bug In quicksearch, issue type has higher priority than project key Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13818 Bug Username with # character breaks on "Assign to me" operation Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13829 Bug Jelly Documentation - error in comment tags Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13853 Bug No space above the Road Map portlet Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13881 Bug Sub-tasks are visibile in Issue Finder while the Parent task is not Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13905 Bug Unable to remove group at the Assign Groups to Project Role page if the group name has the double quote Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13906 Bug Duplicate i18n-keys in the same language-files Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13910 Bug Project key cannot contain a hyphen (-) Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13911 Bug Projects portlet sometimes displays Components and Versions links and sometimes doesn't Critical ResolvedResolved
JRA-13916 Bug "Manage Portal" screen is missing the default template info Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13920 Bug Page title is incorrect when the user logs out Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13921 Bug Resetting custom version picker field results in incorrect search results Critical ResolvedResolved
JRA-13935 Bug Anonymous reporter makes rss feeds throw NullPointerException Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13941 Bug Add New Issue Type Scheme form does not validate name nicely Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13949 Bug Custom Field Type: "Version Picker" - Scroll Bar for displaying List Not Working Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13991 Bug Translation for French and German breaks in the change password screen Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13998 Bug New german translation is "buggy" concerning Bulkchange Critical ResolvedResolved
JRA-4085 Improvement links in jira issues should be relative ratherr than use the BASE URL Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-8872 Improvement Provide a wrap option with the noformat markup Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-11788 Improvement Filter window is too small when it opens Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-11892 Improvement Support for Dutch Language Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-12513 Improvement Allow NotificationType objects to be registered dynamically Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13040 Improvement Log critical system operations like reindexes Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13128 Improvement Save position and size of Filter/History/Help pop up windows Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13187 Improvement Show Total in Caption of "Filter Statistics" portlet Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13231 Improvement JIRA installer ships with client JRE instead of server JRE Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13386 Improvement Hide Log Work operation and Work Log tab if Time Tracking Field is hidden in Field Config Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13402 Improvement Retain state of attachment comments when switching from single attachment to multiple Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13436 Improvement Small French translation problem Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13442 Improvement Improve UI for component admin Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13522 Improvement Need to improve the way the calendar-<locale>.js files are served Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13542 Improvement Format the relative Today and Yesterday as per configured Day Format Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13567 Improvement Improvement on Jelly tag documentation Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13572 Improvement in the 'Add Priority' form, should 'Status Color' be 'Priority Colour' ? Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13613 Improvement Time Tracking Report's summary field should be linked Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13654 Improvement Allow AttachFile jelly tag to specify the created date for an attachment Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13656 Improvement Time Tracking Label for "Issue" Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13666 Improvement Missing i18n keys in notification scheme Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13687 Improvement French Translation Incorrect "traitement" Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13748 Improvement Clean View Issue page by moving (View) links for voters and watchers to link on actual value Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13792 Improvement Adding Greek support in Full-Text search Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13840 Improvement Filter parameters panel on the the left should be collapsed by default when I come to Issue navigator from dashborad plugins Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-14022 Improvement JIRA Tomcat 6.0 doco changes Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-5819 New Feature Assign to current user workflow post-function Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-11358 New Feature Make plugins configurable Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13282 New Feature 'JIRA System Administrator' Permission Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13727 New Feature Trusted Applications: Support Authentication Context Passing from Confluence or another Application to JIRA Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13809 New Feature Add more indexing and search languages Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13851 New Feature List of available colours for {color} tag in Wiki Style Renderer Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-12143 Task Improve doc on hiding fields Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13155 Task Change renewal hyperlink to use new website redirects Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13475 Task Update issue field post function in Create Transition must be the first post function executed in order to actually set the issue field Trivial ResolvedResolved
JRA-13521 Task Need to add some unit tests for the bulk edit issue count limit in BulkEdit1.doValidate() Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13718 Task Update AttachFile jelly tag documentation Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13752 Task Issue Linking docs out of date Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13784 Task Update Bugzilla import guide to ask users to run Bugzilla 'Sanity Check' tool first Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13823 Task Move mysql-guide-linux.html page to Confluence Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13824 Task identify entries in site.xml that have no label, and move to CAC where appropriate Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13856 Task Upgrade atlassian-extras for new license types. Minor ResolvedResolved
JRA-13932 Task Document [permlink] Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13952 Task Set up redirects for JIRA doc pages moved to Confluence Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13974 Task Review changes to Profiling documentation - new content on making Profiling permanent Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13977 Task Correct Jelly Tags documentation for new permissions in AddPermission Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-13994 Task Document that users importing from other systems such as via CSV should backup their data first Major ResolvedResolved
JRA-14012 Third-party issue Authenticating security providers fails due to ClassLoader bugs Major ResolvedResolved
